
"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

About Us

Jenga Courses contributes towards the growth and demand of NITA & TVET centers around the country. The current situation in the country is quite unfortunate, as millions of young people do not have jobs despite graduating, this stems from a warped view that technical skills are fast becoming obsolete.

Jenga Courses is the go-to institution for a number of courses that prove this kind of thinking wrong. Technical skills are in reality not in competition with the technology, but its foundation and backbone. And this is the reason why the TVET Act 2013 was designed in order to address the job skills issue, and ensure an increased and sustained enrolment ratio of 20% by the year 2030. We are part of this revamp happening in the entire education system to make the lives of the youth in this country better.


The devaluing of “blue-collar” is a mentality borne out of a contorted notion of education’s function in the society. One prioritizes exam scores over comprehensive learning of diverse disciplines.

Further, the perception of dirty greasy overalls have been sustained over time by more than just a rigid education system, which is slowly changing as the country has already rolled out the CBC curriculum, which is more focused on a skill-based kind of training that is not unfairly leaning towards academic excellence and leaving out important aspects of a child’s life.


To become an excellent apprenticeship promoter for technical training in order to make significant contribution towards Kenya becoming a newly industrialized country vis a vis vision 2030.


To promote and provide quality training and apprenticeship that matches the high standards demanded in the market today.

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